
New Hampshire and Vermont Timber Prices - Winter 2018

Here in New England this past winter came on strong. Since Christmas both states have had consecutive days where the nightly temperatures were in the teens to twenties blow zero. Daytime temperatures, during this time, have struggled to rise above zero. Needless to say, records have been broken. Although these bitter temperatures have caused some lost production – due to equipment not starting – it has enable those who log for a living an opportunity to freeze in jobs and get a productive start to the winter.

Markets at this time vary from poor to great…depending on the species and product.

Hardwood Logs :

Red Oak: Continued demand from China has driven the prices for this species to 5 year highs. All grades of oak - pallet, saw-logs and veneer- are in demand. If you have any on your property – now is a great time to sell.

Sugar Maple: Prices have remained steady but they have not had the meteoric rise like oak. However, if you have sugar maple that has good size and is of high quality – you can still expect to receive prices that are higher than they were a year ago.

Red MapleRed Maple: As of late, red maple has taken a bit of a hit. The demand for it seems to have contracted since this past summer. In light of that – expect lower prices for any soft maple you may be looking to sell.

Yellow Birch: The demand is good. No problem selling it. However, prices have remained virtually unchanged over the last year.

White Ash: Extremely strong demand and high prices. As the Emerald Ash Borer continues to march across large swaths of the East, those landowners in areas that have not been quarantined ( Vermont) can expect to reap high prices for any ash they are looking to sell.

Softwood Logs:

White Pine: If you have pine to sell – now is a good time. The prices are strong and inventories at many of the mills are low. As winter progresses if the volume delivered, to these mills, doesn’t pick up many will be left with insufficient inventories for the spring mud season.

Spruce: Due in large measure to the strengthening economy and the post-hurricane rebuilding taking place - demand and prices paid for this species, are at all time highs. Like pine, most of the mills don’t have sufficient inventories and are aggressively looking for more logs to purchase.



As has been the story for the last two years….the low grade markets continue to be rather depressed.

Hardwood Pulp:

Although the markets are wide open, the prices paid for the delivered product continue to be low. The further you are from the market the lower the prices you can expect to receive. Certain parts of southern Vermont and New Hampshire you are doing well if you receive any payment for the pulpwood at all.

Biomas Chips:

Traditionally the lowest valued product in the timber harvest supply chain…it continues to remain this way. Although the tight quotas of last year are behind us, the prices paid for the delivered product remain below the cost production. Looking to receive more than a $ 1 p/ton for the harvested product is no longer an option. The good news is that we can still sell it allowing you to have a market for that low grade wood that takes up valuable growing space in your forest.

We remind you – if you are looking to sell your timber…don’t do it alone. Contact the forest management experts here at Stillwater Forestry LLC. With us you will have a trusted ally at your side insuring that your interests are protected throughout the entire process.

If you are looking for a forest resource and wildlife management professional then please call 1-800-237-9253 or complete our online request form.
